Value Partners Investments Value Partners Investment Counsel

Terms & Conditions


Information about specific issuers of securities has been made available by Value Partners Investments Inc. for the sole purpose of providing additional background information on the holdings in the Value Partners Pool(s) and is not intended to be investment advice about the merits of investing directly in these issuers. This information is based on information that is publicly available or that has been provided to Value Partners Investments Inc. by the portfolio managers of the Pools.

The complete holdings of a Pool are disclosed in its Statement of Investment Portfolio semi-annually. On a quarterly basis, each Pool discloses its top 25 holdings in its Summary of Investment Portfolio. Both these documents are available on our website. Value Partners Investments Inc. is a registered investment fund manager and has engaged registered portfolio managers to make decisions about the investments made by each Pool – these investment decisions are not made by Value Partners Investments Inc.

The information provided does not constitute individual, legal, investment or tax advice about any of the Pools or the issuers discussed therein. Please consult your own legal, investment and/or tax advisor prior to making a decision to invest in the Pools. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the fund facts documents and the prospectus of the Pools before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

VPI Total Equity Pool

Growth Through Business Ownership

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  • Overview
  • Videos & Newsletters
  • Uniqueness
  • Fees & Codes
  • Historical Prices
  • Other Materials


What Does the Pool Invest In?

Large, medium and small companies that generate sustainable cash flow, operated by competent management teams with track records of wealth creation.

How Do We Invest?

We believe the best businesses have strong competitive positions with barriers to competition, solid business models that drive value creation and produce recurring revenues, management teams with great track records, and a focus on ESG.


Portfolio Information

(As of March 26, 2025)
Fund Code
- Series A
- Series F
- Series I
- Series O
- Series P
Total Assets
July 02, 2021
North American Equity
Asset Mix
Number of Equity Holdings
Annually in December
Minimum Investment
$25,000 initial, $50 subsequent
Volatility Risk Profile

Sector Allocation

Sector (As of )
Portfolio (%)

Top Ten Equity Holdings

Company (As of )
Portfolio (%)

Lead Portfolio Manager 

Ken O'Kennedy
Dixon Mitchell Investment Counsel
Vancouver, British Columbia

  • Portfolio manager for the VPI Canadian Balanced & VPI Total Equity Pools
  • Former portfolio manager at HSBC Global Asset Management
  • Graduate of the University of Western Ontario
  • More than 20 years of experience in the investment industry

View Ken In Action

What makes this pool unique?

A common-sense approach to out-performance.

The VPI Total Equity pool invests in high quality growing businesses with strong fundamentals. 

Gross of fees, in $CA. VPI Total Equity Pool is being managed using the same investment methodology as Dixon Mitchell Total Equity Strategy. Chart begins at the inception of the Dixon Mitchell Total Equity Strategy (June 30, 2000) and goes to January 31, 2025.  *Benchmark is 65% S&P/TSX Total Return and 35% S&P 500 (in $CA). Please see the bottom of the page for more details on the benchmark comparison. Source: Dixon Mitchell Investment Counsel Inc.


Able to travel up and down the market cap spectrum.

Successful funds often get big and then have difficulty taking a meaningful ownership stake in smaller companies...thus falling victim to their own success. The VPI Total Equity pool owns a mix of large and small cap companies.

Quarterly Update Video

VPI Total Equity Pool Update Video - Q4 2024

Shareable link:

Fees & Codes

With consideration given to impact of the Management Fee Reduction Program, the effective MER's on various account sizes for each of the Value Partners Pools as of June 30, 2024 are below:

Fund Code
0 - $250,000
$250,000 - $500,000
$500,000 - $1 million
$1 million - $2.5 million
$2.5 million & above
1.92% - 2.07%
1.06% - 1.13%

Value Partners Investments offers a Management Fee Reduction Program to qualified investors as follows:

Account Size to Qualify
Series A Rebate
Series F Rebate
$250,000 - $500,000
0.30% on portion > $250,000
0.15% on portion > $250,000
$500,000 - $1 million
0.50% on full balance
0.35% on full balance
$1 million - $2.5 million
0.55% on full balance
0.40% on full balance
$2.5 million & above
0.60% on full balance
0.45% on full balance

Historical Pricing

Closing Price (CAD)
$ Daily Change
% Daily Change


Overview of the pool including what the pool invests in, how the portfolio manager invests, basic pool information, top equity holdings, sector allocation, performance and more. Updated monthly.

Fund Facts

This document is required by regulations. It highlights key information about the pool, including a description of the pool, its performance and the risks and costs of owning it. Updated annually.

Holdings Report

This document includes every single holding in the pool. For each holding we've broken down the percentage of net assets, number of shares, market value, current dividend yield and annualized dividend income. Updated monthly.

Financial Statements

Summary of the pool's financial activities. Updated twice annually.

Contents of this web page are based on information that is publicly available or that has been provided by Value Partners Investments Inc. (Value Partners). The information provided includes views or opinions of Value Partners, in its capacity as the fund manager of VPI Total Equity Pool (the Pool), and does not constitute individual, legal, investment, or tax advice about the Pool or the issuers discussed therein. Information about specific issuers of securities has been made available by Value Partners for the sole purpose of providing additional background information on the holdings in the Pool, and is not intended to be investment advice about the merits of investing directly in these issuers. Please consult your own legal, investment, and/or tax advisor prior to making a decision to invest in the Pool.

The complete holdings of the Pool are disclosed in its Financial Statements semi-annually. On a quarterly basis, the Pool discloses its top 25 holdings in its Top 25 Holdings report. Both these documents are available here on our website under the Documents option by selecting Regulatory Documents. Value Partners is a registered investment fund manager and has engaged Dixon Mitchell Investment Counsel Inc., a registered portfolio manager, to make decisions about the investments made by the Pool - these investment decisions are not made by Value Partners.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the fund facts document and the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance will not tell you how the Pool will perform in the future, particularly since the investment objectives of the Fund changed effective December 1, 2013, and the portfolio manager of the Pool changed in December 1, 2013 and June 24, 2020.

*The S&P/TSX Total Return is the headline index for the Canadian equity market, including dividend reinvestment, in Canadian Dollars, while the S&P 500 is the headline index for the US equity market, including dividend reinvestment, in converted to Canadian dollars. Collectively, the combination of these indices, with a weighting of 65% and 35% respectively, form the “Benchmark”. This Benchmark is provided for information only and comparisons to the Benchmark has limitations. The Benchmark is an appropriate standard against which the performance of the VPI Total Equity Pool (“the Pool”) can be measured over longer time periods as it represents the primary investment environments from which the Portfolio Manager selects securities based on long-term growth. Although there are similarities, the Benchmark includes broad stock indices that includes both dividend and non dividend paying equities that is weighted based on market capitalization with not all securities aligning with the strategy of the Pool. Therefore, performance deviations relative to the Benchmark may be significant.  The Pool also has concentrated investments in a limited number of companies compared to the Benchmark.  As a result, a change in one security’s value may have more effect on the Pool’s value as compared to the Benchmark.

Contents of this web page are based on information that is publicly available or that has been provided by Value Partners Investments Inc. (Value Partners). The information provided includes views or opinions of Value Partners, in its capacity as the fund manager of VPI Total Equity Pool (the Pool), and does not constitute individual, legal, investment, or tax advice about the Pool or the issuers discussed therein. Information about specific issuers of securities has been made available by Value Partners for the sole purpose of providing additional background information on the holdings in the Pool, and is not intended to be investment advice about the merits of investing directly in these issuers. Please consult your own legal, investment, and/or tax advisor prior to making a decision to invest in the Pool.

The complete holdings of the Pool are disclosed in its Financial Statements semi-annually. On a quarterly basis, the Pool discloses its top 25 holdings in its Top 25 Holdings report. Both these documents are available here on our website under the Documents option by selecting Regulatory Documents. Value Partners is a registered investment fund manager and has engaged Dixon Mitchell Investment Counsel Inc., a registered portfolio manager, to make decisions about the investments made by the Pool - these investment decisions are not made by Value Partners.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the fund facts document and the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance will not tell you how the Pool will perform in the future, particularly since the investment objectives of the Fund changed effective December 1, 2013, and the portfolio manager of the Pool changed in December 1, 2013 and June 24, 2020.

Contents of this web page are based on information that is publicly available or that has been provided by Value Partners Investments Inc. (Value Partners). The information provided includes views or opinions of Value Partners, in its capacity as the fund manager of VPI Total Equity Pool (the Pool), and does not constitute individual, legal, investment, or tax advice about the Pool or the issuers discussed therein. Information about specific issuers of securities has been made available by Value Partners for the sole purpose of providing additional background information on the holdings in the Pool, and is not intended to be investment advice about the merits of investing directly in these issuers. Please consult your own legal, investment, and/or tax advisor prior to making a decision to invest in the Pool.

The complete holdings of the Pool are disclosed in its Financial Statements semi-annually. On a quarterly basis, the Pool discloses its top 25 holdings in its Top 25 Holdings report. Both these documents are available here on our website under the Documents option by selecting Regulatory Documents. Value Partners is a registered investment fund manager and has engaged Dixon Mitchell Investment Counsel Inc., a registered portfolio manager, to make decisions about the investments made by the Pool - these investment decisions are not made by Value Partners.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the fund facts document and the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance will not tell you how the Pool will perform in the future, particularly since the investment objectives of the Fund changed effective December 1, 2013, and the portfolio manager of the Pool changed in December 1, 2013 and June 24, 2020.

Contents of this web page are based on information that is publicly available or that has been provided by Value Partners Investments Inc. (Value Partners). The information provided includes views or opinions of Value Partners, in its capacity as the fund manager of VPI Total Equity Pool (the Pool), and does not constitute individual, legal, investment, or tax advice about the Pool or the issuers discussed therein. Information about specific issuers of securities has been made available by Value Partners for the sole purpose of providing additional background information on the holdings in the Pool, and is not intended to be investment advice about the merits of investing directly in these issuers. Please consult your own legal, investment, and/or tax advisor prior to making a decision to invest in the Pool.

The complete holdings of the Pool are disclosed in its Financial Statements semi-annually. On a quarterly basis, the Pool discloses its top 25 holdings in its Top 25 Holdings report. Both these documents are available here on our website under the Documents option by selecting Regulatory Documents. Value Partners is a registered investment fund manager and has engaged Dixon Mitchell Investment Counsel Inc., a registered portfolio manager, to make decisions about the investments made by the Pool - these investment decisions are not made by Value Partners.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the fund facts document and the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance will not tell you how the Pool will perform in the future, particularly since the investment objectives of the Fund changed effective December 1, 2013, and the portfolio manager of the Pool changed in December 1, 2013 and June 24, 2020.

Contents of this web page are based on information that is publicly available or that has been provided by Value Partners Investments Inc. (Value Partners). The information provided includes views or opinions of Value Partners, in its capacity as the fund manager of VPI Total Equity Pool (the Pool), and does not constitute individual, legal, investment, or tax advice about the Pool or the issuers discussed therein. Information about specific issuers of securities has been made available by Value Partners for the sole purpose of providing additional background information on the holdings in the Pool, and is not intended to be investment advice about the merits of investing directly in these issuers. Please consult your own legal, investment, and/or tax advisor prior to making a decision to invest in the Pool.

The complete holdings of the Pool are disclosed in its Financial Statements semi-annually. On a quarterly basis, the Pool discloses its top 25 holdings in its Top 25 Holdings report. Both these documents are available here on our website under the Documents option by selecting Regulatory Documents. Value Partners is a registered investment fund manager and has engaged Dixon Mitchell Investment Counsel Inc., a registered portfolio manager, to make decisions about the investments made by the Pool - these investment decisions are not made by Value Partners.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the fund facts document and the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance will not tell you how the Pool will perform in the future, particularly since the investment objectives of the Fund changed effective December 1, 2013, and the portfolio manager of the Pool changed in December 1, 2013 and June 24, 2020.