Value Partners Investments Value Partners Investment Counsel

Terms & Conditions


Information about specific issuers of securities has been made available by Value Partners Investments Inc. for the sole purpose of providing additional background information on the holdings in the Value Partners Pool(s) and is not intended to be investment advice about the merits of investing directly in these issuers. This information is based on information that is publicly available or that has been provided to Value Partners Investments Inc. by the portfolio managers of the Pools.

The complete holdings of a Pool are disclosed in its Statement of Investment Portfolio semi-annually. On a quarterly basis, each Pool discloses its top 25 holdings in its Summary of Investment Portfolio. Both these documents are available on our website. Value Partners Investments Inc. is a registered investment fund manager and has engaged registered portfolio managers to make decisions about the investments made by each Pool – these investment decisions are not made by Value Partners Investments Inc.

The information provided does not constitute individual, legal, investment or tax advice about any of the Pools or the issuers discussed therein. Please consult your own legal, investment and/or tax advisor prior to making a decision to invest in the Pools. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the fund facts documents and the prospectus of the Pools before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

Documents and Forms

Account-Related Documents

Applications and Forms

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

Estate Forms

Locked-In Forms Federal Government

Locked-In Forms Manitoba

Locked-In Forms Ontario

Locked-In Forms Alberta

Locked-In Forms British Columbia

Locked-In Forms Saskatchewan

Locked-In Forms Nova Scotia

Locked-In Forms New Brunswick

Locked-In Forms Newfoundland and Labrador

Locked-In Forms Quebec


Fund Facts

VPI Income Pool

VPI Canadian Equity Pool

VPI Global Equity Pool

VPI Canadian Balanced Pool

VPI Mortgage Pool

VPI Special Opportunities Pool

VPI Dividend Growth Pool

VPI Corporate Bond Pool

VPI Total Equity Pool

VPI Sustainability Leaders Pool

VPI High Interest Savings Pool

Regulatory Documents

Main Regulatory Documents

Financial Statements



Proxy Voting Records

Top 25 Holdings

Press Release

Special Unitholder Meeting Mortgage Pool

In connection with the audits of the financial statements of the public interest entities managed by Value Partners Investments Inc for the year ended December 31, 2023, the following fees (excluding applicable taxes) were paid or payable to KPMG LLP and other KPMG LLP network firms: fees for audits of financial statements were $135,700 and fees for other services were $84,224.