The pool uses artificial intelligence to out-perform the market.
The portfolio manager uses artificial intelligence to help identify stocks with remarkable dividend growth potential.
Quality companies with high dividend growth are uncommon – that’s why this pool owns just 4% of the companies in the S&P 500.
As of September 30, 2024. Source: Bloomberg, Bristol Gate Capital Partners
Long-term outperformance.
The strategy has outperformed the S&P 500 over the last 15 years without ever owning any of the FAANGs.
Strategy is the Bristol Gate U.S. Equity Strategy. VPI Dividend Growth Pool is being managed using the same investment methodology as Bristol Gate U.S. Equity Strategy. *Please see the bottom of the page for more information on the benchmark comparison. Returns are not indicative of future returns. Data from May 15, 2009 to January 31, 2025 in USD. FAANG = Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google. Source: Bloomberg, Morningstar, Bristol Gate Capital Partners.
Ownership of companies with dividend growth potential.
Owning stocks that
grow their dividends makes sense. Watch the short video below to learn more.
Source: Bristol Gate Capital Partners
The pool owns businesses with these nine common traits.

Source: Bristol Gate Capital Partners